Join our webinar to explore the USA Classic program

Embarking on an exchange journey is a truly unforgettable experience that creates memories lasting a lifetime. Imagine living with a host family, immersing yourself in a new culture, and embracing the American way of life. And let’s not forget the classic American High School, offering a plethora of engaging activities outside the classroom, from arts and clubs to the excitement of sports.

During the webinar, our high school expert, Kim Carter, will share insights into life in an American High School and elaborate on how the Classic High School Program can help you achieve the experience you want. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!

Join us on Tuesday, May 14th, at 17.00 CET to initiate the planning of your exchange year in the USA!

The webinar is free and will be conducted in English.

Event start: nedtælling

14 maj, 2024 11:00

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At tage på udveksling giver dig en oplevelse for livet, som kan forme din fremtid. Se denne korte guide til, hvordan du planlægger dit år i USA. Book derefter en gratis konsultation med os for at gøre din plan til virkelighed.