12:28 12th November 2019

Saying goodbye

I said goodbye.


Goodbyes are hard, almost impossible. I have lived here for 10 months, 10 amazing months.

Before I left Denmark to go on exchange I found this quote that said:

“You build a life for several years and leave it for 10 months.

You build a life for 10 months and leave it forever.

Which one is harder ?”

In the beginning, I thought it would be hardest to leave my parents and my friends back in Denmark, but gosh I couldn’t be more wrong. Exchange isn’t a year in your life, it’s a life in one year. I build up my life. I had an amazing family, best siblings I could wish for – Jonathan and Caitlin love y’all. This year has been the best, and I am so happy I can call y’all my siblings now!

I made friends for life. Brendan I will always be there for you. I don’t care when or where, if you need me, call me, a plane ticket isn’t that expensive. I will be there. Love you dude!

Grant, we both agreed that we wouldn’t call this a goodbye, because it isn’t. It’s a see you again soon, time will fly by fast. We will have tons of late night conversations or early early morning conversations. We will lose lots of sleep and a lot of our social life, but you’re that one person I’d do anything for. Always and forever. I can’t wait for the plane ticket to be one way. I love you, to all the planets and back.

Y’all have changed me forever, I will never forget Y’all.

A year has passed and I am standing here, waiting to return to a whole other world than the one I have lived in for the last couple of months.

You get a strange feeling when you’re about to leave a place. Like you will not only miss the people you love, but you will miss the person you are now, at this time and this place because you’ll never be this way again.

I can’t believe that 10 months ago I didn’t even know y’all. I stood at the airport saying goodbye to my family, and now I stand with my other family saying goodbye.

It’s so hard. I stood in my room, the room that I have lived in for the last 10 months but it was empty. Everything that made it MY room, wasn’t there. We took all my stuff out, and I had to close the door and turn off the light, because that chapter of my life is over now. Now I must go home to my old life.

I left the Lange’s, not for good, I will always have a piece of my heart with them. I am so thankful for everything they have done for me, this year wouldn’t have been the same without them, love Y’all.

– Christina

Christina i Texas

Christina i Texas


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